Jewish History Moment podcast with Ben Bresky
Israel Beat
When Israel Rescued Vietnamese Refugees

When Israel Rescued Vietnamese Refugees

Refugees from Vietnam found floating in rafts were taken in by Israel in the late 1970s

The story of the Vietnam Boat People who were rescued in the late 1970s. Learn about the reaction of Israeli officials like Menachem Begin who compared them to Jews fleeing the Holocaust and how the Vietnamese felt arriving to a country they never heard of before.

PM Menachem Begin visits Vietnamese refugees who were absorbed in Afula. Credit: Chanania Herman, Israeli Government Press Office.
Newly arrived refugees being greeted at Ben Gurion Airport by fellow Vietnamese already in Israel, 1979. Credit: Moshe Milner, GPO.
Vietnamese couple with flag and flowers at Ben Gurion airport, 1979. Credit: Moshe Milner, GPO.
Vietnamese arrivals at Ben Gurion Airport, 1979 (Yaa’cov Sa’ar, GPO.


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