The story of Uziel Gal, creator of the Uzi submachine gun, which defended Israel from the 1950s and beyond. Born in Germany, his family fled the Holocaust to a small kibbutz where young Uzi developed an early interest in innovative weapons. Learn about his father, the noted Bauhaus artist Erich Glas who was forced from his job and home by the Nazis, his brother the award-winning educator Michael Gal, and a side-note about the film Terminator 2.
How a Kid Who Liked to Saw Rifles Became the Inventor of the Uzi
History of the Uzi - News 1
Inventor Uzi Gal - Washington Post
Lieutenant-Colonel Uziel Gal - The Telegraph
Uziel Gal obituary - The Guardian
Tommy Gun: How General Thompson's submachine gun wrote history
Erich Glas - Bauhaus Artist - official web site
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