Jewish History Moment podcast with Ben Bresky
Israel Beat
The Story of the Song “Jerusalem of Gold”

The Story of the Song “Jerusalem of Gold”

Interview with singer Shuly Nathan, who performed the now classic Yerushalayim Shel Zahav in 1967 which became a Six Day War anthem.

Shuly Nathan and a young amateur singer in the Israel Defense Forces was almost rejected from performing at the Israel Song Festival, but songwriter Naomi Shemer insisted that this young IDF soldier be the one to debut her now classic anthem, performed just weeks before the dramatic victory of the Six Day War in 1967. Hear Shuly in her own words describe her life and learn the back-story of how the song became one of the most well known modern Hebrew anthems. Plus, authentic audio from the battlefield as soldiers recite Jewish prayers and spontaneously sing Jerusalem of Gold as the Western Wall is being liberated.