Jewish History Moment podcast with Ben Bresky
Israel Beat
Jewish Man Falsely Accused in Blood Libel Moves to Israel

Jewish Man Falsely Accused in Blood Libel Moves to Israel

After Mendel Beilis was found innocent of a brutal murder, he became a hero to the Jewish community falsely accused of a blood libel. He found hope in a new life in Israel.

Mendel Beilis was falsely accused of murder in a sensational 1913 Russian blood libel trial. After his not-guilty verdict he moved to the land of Israel and visited the Western Wall and Temple Mount. “I saw for the first time a race of proud, uncringing Jews, who lived life openly and unafraid,” wrote Beilis. Learn about his dramatic murder trial in which the matzah, afikoman and other Passover traditions were successfully defended against the slander of the Czarist Empire and the Black Hundreds and hear about the simple Russian peasants who refused to condemn an innocent man.

Mendel Beilis under arrest.
Mendel Beilis on trial.
Mendel Beilis and his family after their arrival in the Land of Israel.