Jewish History Moment podcast with Ben Bresky
Israel Beat
From Militant Zionist to Music Festival Pioneer

From Militant Zionist to Music Festival Pioneer

Aaron Zvi Propes was the kid who inspired Jabotinsky to forgo retirement and form Betar. He went on to found the Israel Festival and pioneer music events in the Jewish State.

Aaron Zvi Propes was the first member of Betar and a loyal follower of controversial Zionist leader Zev Jabotinsky. While his comrades like Menachem Begin went on to politics, he founded music festivals, including the Israel Festival which is taking place this week. Learn about how as a teen, Propes and his Jewish Latvian high school friend coaxed Jabotinsky out of retirement and into inspiring generations of young Zionists. Plus, the early days of the Zimriya World Choir festival, the International Harp Contest, and the reconstruction of the 2,000-year-old Roman theater in Caesarea all of which Propes initiated.

The first Israel Festival in 1961 was at the new reconstructed 2,000-year-old Roman theater in Caesarea, both projects initiated by Aaron Zvi Propes. Credit: Israeli Government Press Office.
Zev Jabotinsky (right), Menachem Begin (left) Aaron Zvi Propes (middle) and other Betar members meeting in Warsaw, Poland, circa 1939. Credit: GPO
Famed violinist Isaac Stern at Caesarea for the first Israel Festival, 1961. Credit: GPO
Yemenite wedding dance at the Israel Festival, 1966. Credit: Moshe Milner, GPO
Aaron Zvi Propes introducing the Zimriya International Song Festival at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 1967. Credit: Ilan Bruner, GPO.
Influential Russian conductor Igor Stravinsky at the second annual Israel Festival, 1962, with Aaron Zvi Propes and others. Credit: Moshe Pridan, GPO.


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