Jewish History Moment podcast with Ben Bresky
Israel Beat
Flying Camels and Clandestine Pilots - The History of Israeli Aviation

Flying Camels and Clandestine Pilots - The History of Israeli Aviation

How Israel became an aviation powerhouse despite British opposition and international embargos.

Israeli civilian aviation had humble beginnings as the Flying Camel Club, to the respected El Al airline of today. Learn about the French daredevil who became the first person to land in Israel, the tragedy of moshav Atarot, and how an American Jewish WWII vet snuck airplanes into beleaguered Israel during the War of Independence.

Uri Braier with one of the members of the Flying Camel gliding club during training near Bat Yam, 1939. Credit: Zoltan Kluger, Israeli Government Press Office
Yossef Keren, graduate of the first Hagana pilots course of the Aviron company, 1938. Credit: Zoltan Kluger, GPO.
Jerusalem Airport in Atarot the former moshav that was destroyed by the Jordanians. Credit: Ilan Bruner, GPO, 1967.
A member of the Flying Camel gliding club being briefed by instructor Benjamin Kahane before take off on the beach of Bat Yam. Credit: Zoltyan Kluger, GPO, 1938.